After seventeen years of dedicated service, Frome’s beloved town crier, Mike Bishop, and his wife Angie, bid an emotional farewell during the Remembrance Sunday parade. Their departure marks the end of an era that saw them win multiple awards and accolades, culminating in Mike being honored with the Mayor’s Civic Award.
Frome Mayor Philip Campagna expressed gratitude for Mike’s tireless efforts in upholding the tradition of town criers, ensuring its continuity for future generations. Mike, who has been an active member of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers, represented Frome at numerous competitions across the UK, as well as in Holland and Belgium.
Reflecting on his tenure, Mike expressed mixed emotions, acknowledging the joys and challenges of his role, while also sharing his family’s historical connection to town crying. Despite the bittersweet departure, he expressed willingness to support his successor and donated some of his outfits for future town crier use.
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As they embark on retirement, Mike and Angie look forward to new adventures and cherish the friendships forged within the town crier community.